Shiro (9 Essences Build) |
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Isekai as Shiro to Super Dimension's Planeptune. [1] Essence of the Developer Console[2] Essence of the Endless Lives[3] Essence of the Futanari[4] Essence of the Hypercompetence[5] Essence of the Ideal Growth[6] Essence of the Ideal Self[7] Essence of the Infinite Adventure[8] Essence of the Inviolate Self[9] Essence of the Skill Mastery My choices for "Essence of the Ideal Self": |
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[1] Essence of the Developer Console* This gives you access to the developer console of every universe you may find yourself in.* Every single facet of the universe from individuals, events, and objects can be changed through using console commands. You can even write and install ‘mods’ to make sweeping changes to the universe and turn them on and off as you wish through a handy mod manager. Universes retain any changes made to them unless reset. You can travel to new universes using the console. You can even choose to have the console create mods that you would like automatically and update or remove them as you desire or ‘download’ them again using the console interface. * The console also comes with a handy save and load function allowing you to take snapshots of a specific instance and reload however many times you wish even if you are killed somehow. Even rendered helpless you can still load any existing save that you might have.
[2] Essence of the Endless LivesBy consuming the Essence of Endless Lives, the primal urge to experience life in all of its infinite variety, you ensure that your soul will have as many chances to experience life as you wish.* Your soul is unbound from the normal cycle of existence and becomes absolutely indestructible, untrappable, and unownable. Nothing short of the Supreme Being can prevent you from being reborn. * Every time your life ends, by any cause up to and including total conceptual retroactive destruction of your existence, you will reincarnate into any universe you wish and at a location and time of your choosing. With one exception, every time you are reborn will be into a separate timeline. * The exception is that you may choose to 'rewind' the same life you just died in, all the way back to the beginning. You may rewind more than once. You rewind all the way back to birth every time you choose to rewind at all. You do not have to rewind any life unless you want to, but after you have moved on to a new life you may not go back and rewind a prior life yet again. * As part of your being unbound from the normal cycle of existence you may choose the parents you are born to and the circumstances you are born into, each as privileged or as poor as you want them to be. However, from birth onward your karma will be neutral and without any predestined fate or destiny. * You may reincarnate into a newborn of any sentient race that exists in-setting, and will for the duration of that lifetime have all the powers and abilities that your new body would normally have. You may reincarnate into any entity below the 'cosmic being' tier of power. * You may, if you wish, have your memories and abilities lie 'dormant' until you are out of infancy and into childhood. * You may choose to reincarnate into a 'special' example of your new race, one born with or destined to obtain powers or abilities not common among its species, but only so long as such entities would already exist in-setting to potentially reincarnate to. (For example, you could not reincarnate into a baby with mutant superpowers unless superpowered mutants were already a thing in that world.) * You may freely reset your physical stats with every new life, within the racial minimums and maximums of the new life you are reincarnating into. Your mental stats will remain your own but you will carry forward any improvements in those stats between lives. You will never have 'dump stats' unless you choose to, and 'dump stats' will always reset to normal after you end a life. * With each new life you will have the opportunity to 'leave behind' any emotional or mental trauma that occurred in previous lives and start afresh, if you choose to. * You gain perfect memory with infinite storage. You always have perfect awareness of which memory occurred in which lifetime. * You are always naturally adapted to whatever new form you reincarnate to however weird or non-humanoid it may be. Any species you are born into will be experienced as if you had always been that species. In later lives the memories of these more exotic existences will remain comprehensible, if possibly somewhat detached from your current existence. * Barring another ability or Essence that would allow them to, powers and abilities do not transfer between lives unless they would be an artifact of the soul or the mind and not the body. Likewise, powers and abilities only transfer between lives if the metaphysics of the universe you are reincarnating into would support their existing there. * As a specific exception to the above, note that "muscle memory" is actually part of the mind and so mundane skills and knowledge - even physical skills - always carries over. Your perfect memory will keep you from suffering from inconvenient reflexes or habits that may be associated with a body shape that you no longer have.
[3] Essence of the FutanariBy drinking this thick white creamy totally not cum essence you gain several boons:* You become a futanari, a woman with a vagina and a retractable penis with internal testicles. * You gain a penis the size of which is up to you. * You have full control over your loads and are able to make them just a tiny drop or a literal river of cum. * You gain full control over your fertility/virility. * You are immune to all sicknesses and diseases. * You may at any time hide your penis making you appear as just female. * You and your sexual partners operate on porn physics, making sure that not only are they not harmed if you have a literal bitch breaker nor will they be affected by a river of cum being poured into them. * You can fit your penis into even the skimpiest of underwear no matter how large it is and there will never be a bulge nor will it be uncomfortable. * You have infinite stamina, but you can stop having sex whenever with no difficulty, after all just because you can go on for all eternity that doesn't mean your partner can. * You have unlimited fluids. * All of your fluids are like a supercharged aphrodisiac, even the iciest soul would be reduced to an utter slave begging for another taste, luckily no one can overdose on it. You can toggle this effect or only have it affect certain fluids. This effect bypasses any passive or active resistances or immunities that might stop it. * Your sexual organs are similarly mighty, whether it is a sword that Aphrodite herself would swear devotion to or a sheath that could tame even the mighty Zeus himself. You would be hard-pressed to find any being that wouldn't utterly submit their being to you after a round of sex. Even beings that would generally be highly resistant if not outright immune will find themselves defenseless to you.
[4] Essence of the HypercompetenceBy drinking this perfect Essence, you gain the ability to operate at memetic peak performance.* This Essence grants you hypercompetence, a level of ability where you can always operate at your absolute peak with trivial ease. You have immense natural talent for anything that you are potentially capable of doing. Likewise, your execution of anything is flawless to the absolute limits of your skill and knowledge, and will not have any fumbles, slips, unforced errors, or anything of the sort. Even your most instantaneous reactions may be undertaken as if you'd had all the time you needed to extensively plan out your next moves. * Your talent for learning is unparalleled. You comprehend the basics of new skills/techniques/etc. almost immediately upon being exposed to them, and in such a manner as to provide the ideal foundation for eventually mastering all the nuances and complexities of a subject. You may learn any kind of skill, physical or mental, at least as easily as a very young child would learn language skills. * Your perfection will not be hampered by a weak or imperfect body or mind. At the time you drink this Essence you are cured of any and all physical ailments and disabilities. You are also made aware of any mental illness, disorders, disabilities or other conditions you may be suffering from and may have any or all of them cured at your discretion. * Your body is now like a perfectly optimized machine. Your muscles simultaneously have the power of a champion weightlifter and the fast-twitch speed of a master martial artist, your speed, agility, and coordination are top of the charts, and your stamina and resilience are downright cinematic. You will require significantly less sustenance or sleep than you normally would. You will retain your health and fitness as if you were constantly practicing clean and healthy living, even if you aren't. Your body and clothes will almost magically shed filth and grime and you will have minimal body odor. * Your mind is similarily optimized, with your intellect being augmented to the highest levels that your species could naturally attain on your birthworld. This includes but is not limited to such things as perceptiveness, reaction time, pattern recognition, and creativity. Your memory is perfect in all respects, although you can still choose to selectively let things fade. * You also receive a one-time appearance upgrade based on your wishes and idealized self-image, with the exact details of your build and "endowments" being up to you. * You also gain an increased capacity for self-awareness and self-reflection. You can clear-headedly process and resolve your guilt or trauma and truly learn from both your successes and your failures, and then use what you've learned to make yourself a wiser, stronger-willed, and generally better person. You are immune to PTSD and unwanted value drift, and can retain an essential 'youness' about yourself even as you change and grow. * Finally, your skills and abilities never degrade regardless of disuse, lack of practice, etc. * Your hypercompetence may be fully or partially toggled whenever you wish, and may be automatically toggled back on during a life-threatening emergency even if you disabled your instantaneous reactions. * The one exception to this toggle are your survival instincts, which will always be hypercompetent. You will never be taken completely off-guard by anything and will have unbreakable plot armor versus perma-death, death of personality, and other really bad things. * As a special bonus, you receive full control over your fertility and other related buffs. * This Essence immediately becomes part of your most inherent and innate nature upon first consuming it, and from that point on its benefits will permanently and irrevocably be with you at all times unless voluntarily toggled by you as per the above benefit. Nothing else can ever remove or weaken your hypercompetence in any way; curses, magic, Clarketech, even the will of ROB or equivalent beings, nothing.
[5] Essence of the Ideal GrowthBy consuming the Essence of Ideal Growth, the crystallized essence of possibility and capability, you gain the following boons:* Any limits you have are broken. You may improve any aspect of yourself, including those aspects that normally could not be improved at all, to an infinite extent. While you may not be unstoppable now, time is all you will need before you surpass everyone. * The passage of time lends you strength and even when doing absolutely nothing you may passively grow as if you were doing all-out training at a modest rate of improvement. If you were to put any actual effort into improving then this growth would gain an astronomical boost. You have total control over where any growth is allocated, will never advance further or faster than you are comfortable with, and have an exact awareness of your amassed capabilities and how they measure up. * So long as a particular skill, trait, or power exists within your local context, and you have a basic understanding of what it is and entails, you have the potential to develop it. This does not require educational resources or external aids and disregards entirely the limitations of your physiology and metaphysiology. You may even develop traits that one is normally only born with. * Development in any area will never preclude or hamper development in any other area, and as such you may safely acquire mutually-incompatible traits. This is to such an extent that in a Xianxia world you could simultaneously cultivate dozens of distinct foundations without any issue. * As they improve, your skills, qualities, powers, techniques, and perks may develop a degree of potency, applicability, and versatility that defies their normal limits. With sufficiently good balance you could walk on intangible holograms. * Since improvement necessitates the removal of flaws, you may use training to remove vulnerabilities, crippling effects, and requirements. As an otherwise ordinary human you could eventually erode away your hunger completely, allowing you to not only go without eating but deny conservation of mass as your body generates replacement tissues without absorbing any external material. * Your powers and internal power supplies cannot be removed, drained, suppressed, weakened, copied, altered, controlled, or otherwise manipulated against your wishes, even if you were somehow mind-controlled. You may toggle any of your powers from fully off to fully on, or anywhere in between. You may even permanently shed powers or abilities if you find that you truly do not enjoy them, only to retrain them later if you change your mind. You cannot ever be forced to use this metaphorical dimmer-switch against yourself. * Time is your ally and you will never be lessened by the passage of time, even in the subtlest of ways. No maintenance is required to retain the fullness of your powers, and no eternity is long enough to diminish your ability to enjoy life. * At the time you first drink this Essence you will be cured of any and all physical ailments, psychological trauma, and other unwanted mental conditions, ailments, disabilities, etc.
[6] Essence of the Ideal SelfDrinking this transforms you into your ideal self, as defined by your own wishes and desires.* Your body changes to whatever physical form you most desire for yourself. This includes gaining physical traits such as strength or agility, up to peak human level. This includes a free, one-time cosmetic body resculpt to your ideal or desired appearance. * Your mind and emotions change to whatever mindset/psyche you most desire for yourself. You can opt to forgo these changes. * A one-time full cure of whatever ailments, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, that currently plagues you, and any new ailments of the body, mind, or soul will be prevented from occurring. * Your intelligence is increased or decreased according to your innermost desire. As 'intelligence' is rather hard to quantify, the maximum you may gain is the equivalent of gaining +16 IQ points on a scale with a standard deviation of 16. * You gain up to three supernatural powers that you desire the most. These must be specific abilities, rather than any sort of generic 'do anything' powers. * Your body, mind, and soul can never hereafter be altered against your will, in any way. Among other things, this renders you immortal, nearly invulnerable, and immune to mind control. * Your powers and internal power supplies cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, controlled, or otherwise manipulated against your will. * You also have the ability to turn any of your powers from fully off to fully on, or anywhere in between, and you cannot be forced to use this metaphorical dimmer-switch against your will. * You will never end up worse off than when you started, as this Elixir will protect you from the negative aspects of your own subconsciousness.
[7] Essence of the Infinite AdventureDrinking this Absolutely Glorious looking liquid gifts you the following benefits:* This essence allows you to start your own Omniversal Adventures. This ability to go on an Adventure is powered by your own soul. So the stronger your soul is, the more powerful the world you can go into. At first, you will be limited to reincarnating at a power level in the approximate range of action heroes, starting adventurers, early Harry Potter, etc. But as you make your way through your own story and complete Adventures your soul will grow and with it your ability to go on greater and more powerful Adventures, and to whatever world(s) that you may desire and as often as you wish. No longer shall you be at the mercy of those damn ROBs. * These Omniversal adventures can be any type of adventures. Jumpchains, CYOAs or any combination of the two or anything else that you can imagine. And if you ever decide you need a break then you can spend as long as you wish in each world regardless of any drawbacks or scenarios you take. You may also stop in the middle of one Adventure to start another one, and then return later on to resume your original Adventure where you left off. * When you start an Adventure you may arrive in whatever manner you wish. Isekai, self-insert, reincarnation, (with your age of 'awakening' to your full memories and power set at anywhere you choose up to adulthood), being created or summoned by some native character, whatever is appropriate to the particular narrative. This does allow you to replace a 'canon' character if you so choose. * At the time you first drink this Essence and every time you reincarnate you will be cured of any and all physical ailments, psychological trauma, and other unwanted mental conditions, ailments, disabilities, etc. * At the time you first drink this Essence and every time you reincarnate you will be given the opportunity to re-sculpt your body to your desired aesthetics and idealized self-image. You may also reassign your sex/gender/orientation with every re-sculpt if you choose to, and will never suffer from gender or body dysphoria. * You have impenetrable plot armor against soul-death, death of personality, psychological destruction, and other really bad things. Your memory will be perfect and entirely adapted for an eternal existence, although you may still choose to selectively let things fade. * You will have a suite of miscellaneous protections such as a boost to willpower, a heightened pain tolerance, a moderately increased resistance to all unwanted effects that aren't direct damage (including psychological or emotional trauma), and are blanked against all unwanted scrying, divination, Path to Victory, etc. You are immune to illness and will eventually heal fully from any injury that doesn't kill you or amputate something, no matter how severe otherwise. * If your body is destroyed then it will regenerate if you have a power that allows it. If you don't then you will reincarnate into another Adventure after you die. In case you experience an unpleasant fate you cannot escape from you also get the ability to force yourself to reincarnate at need. If you are reduced to a state where you would genuinely want to activate this ability but cannot consciously do so, such as being sealed or trapped in an infinite time loop, then this will automatically trigger. Reincarnating undoes all unwanted harm or changes done to you regardless of its nature or source. * You will also be given a package of basic comforts to help ease your Adventuring experience. You require significantly less sustenance or sleep than you normally would. Your health and fitness will essentially ignore any unhealthy lifestyle choices such as bad diet or lack of exercise, short of the most blatant and prolonged abuse of your metabolism. Your body and clothes will almost magically shed filth and grime and you will have minimal body odor. * You have perfect control over your fertility, and also your menstrual cycle if you are female. Any partners will believe you if you say you are protected, so long as you are telling the truth. You can also neither catch nor spread 'social diseases' and have other minor, related buffs. * To avoid having you be limited in later Adventures by an improper foundation learned in a previous one, you will be given a great talent for learning things properly. You will start out with basic competence at any mundane and widely-known skill or task you attempt, including common languages, and intuitively grasp the basics of anything you study in such a manner as to provide the ideal foundation for eventually mastering all the nuances and complexities of a subject. Any bad habits or blind alleys that you may somehow have trained yourself into may be shed with relative ease and retrained the proper way as soon as you learn how. You may learn and develop any kind of skill, physical or mental, at least as easily as a very young child would learn language skills. This also lets you easily adapt to new cultures or to reincarnating into different bodies with different senses or physical arrangements. * You will also gain an increased capacity for self-awareness and self-reflection. You can clear-headedly process and resolve your guilt and truly learn from both your successes and your failures, and then use what you've learned to make yourself a wiser, stronger-willed, and generally better person. Your emotions will be adapted for dealing with eternity, you are immune to PTSD and unwanted value drift, and you can retain an essential 'youness' about yourself even as you change and grow. Learn from your failures and never give up, for your soul can reach infinity if you have the will. Your Adventuring will never truly stop unless you wish it to. * In addition to these minimum basics that will apply everywhere, your soul can tap into the powers and abilities available in whatever narrative that you have chosen to reincarnate into. Your strength, intelligence, speed, resilience, talent, and potential for any other powers or abilities available in the particular narrative you are joining may start at any point up to the limits naturally attainable for the role you assumed inside the particular narrative that you have joined. If you already possessed a greater level of power before importing into a particular narrative you may of course bring that in with you as well. You may also start a new Adventure already trained in skills you haven't actually encountered yet, up to the level of an average experienced adult in your role. This level of skill may be improved like any other skill you possess. * As your soul grows stronger, your powers will too. Initially the strength of your powers will be limited to whatever Adventure you got them from, but as your soul gets stronger the powers will grow in every aspect, reducing the limits and drawbacks and in time completely eliminating them and/or overcoming normal growth caps. You will always find ways to improve a reasonable amount in a reasonable timeframe so long as you put in the effort. In addition to this you may with sufficient effort eventually overcome inherent limitations or weaknesses. * Your powers cannot be weakened or removed from you by any means, nor can they be controlled, manipulated or altered against your wishes. No matter how many times you are destroyed your powers will not be affected. Neither will your skills, abilities, powers, etc. ever fade due to lack of practice or conditioning. The rewards you receive from your adventures will work as intended in all worlds and they cannot be hindered as you have already struggled to earn all your power. * Should you wish you can combine any similar abilities together instead of keeping them separate and this combined power will work same as it would have if you stacked the similar powers as mentioned above. This will help you keep track of the different abilities you have. * If you find that you've become too powerful for Adventures to be any fun then you may choose to place as much of your power and potential as you wish 'in storage' when reincarnating, and reclaim it in a later reincarnation. Likewise, you may 'softcap' your growth or remove such softcaps at will.
[8] Essence of the Inviolate SelfDrinking this essence confers you the blessing of inviolability of the body, mind, and soul:* You now no longer need to eat, drink, breathe, produce human waste, or sleep, and are immune to the harmful effects of radiation alongside extreme environments ranging from the bottom of the ocean to the vacuum of space. * Total immunity to all forms of poison, sickness, or disease, mundane or otherwise. Any existing ailments of physical, mental, or spiritual nature that plagues you will be completely cured upon drinking this essence. * You are biologically immortal and utterly tireless, possessing unlimited stamina - you will be be aged/reverted to your physical prime, but no longer age further. * Infinite willpower to keep going through any amount of hardship; even bloody and broken you will not stop, and you will forevermore be protected from the effects of despair, boredom, ennui, etc., that will make living forever a pain in the ass. * Your freedom is also inviolate, protecting you from being imprisoned, incapacitated, trapped, bound, sealed, etc. against your will, automatically freeing you from such situations and teleporting you to the nearest safe location. * You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your body, mind, and soul against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used. Those that use supernaturally boosted persuasion are equally stymied, being forced to rely on simple mundane arguments against you as anything beyond that flatly fails to work. You are also immune to memetic effects or the maddening effects of eldritch beings or phenomena. * Your soul cannot be targeted as a vector of attack - the only thing you are still vulnerable to will be actual physical violence, if such things can cause damage to you. * No Oracles or any other form of precognition can account for you, ever. Any predictions that are made will be made without taking you in account, and if seeking you out directly, all they get is static. In addition, you are not bound by fate anymore; your destiny is only what you make of it. This extends to the point that people and events that are deemed unstoppable or even unkillable, just because they are destined to, can be killed by you permanently. * You are also immune to reality warping shenanigans, such as being caught in time paradoxes, time stops, not existing due to someone killing your mother when she's pregnant with you, etc. - your very existence is inviolate. * Note: You can still be injured or killed through direct physical damage, if such things are capable of damaging you; all this Essence does is preventing your body, mind, and soul from being affected by other forces without your consent.
[9] Essence of the Skill MasteryBy consuming this bright gray liquid you gain the ability to learn and master virtually any skillset to an ideal degree of mastery, one not normally attainable for even the most exceptional candidates.* You have a near-limitless capacity to learn and master any skill or feat that you could possibly execute without openly defying the laws of physics (unless, of course, you already have a power or ability that allows you to ignore that particular law of physics). You require only the most minimal or widely available introductory knowledge to begin the process of independently reproducing the entire available body of knowledge on a given topic and then extending it even further. * The speed at which you acquire, master, and create skills and techniques is nigh-inconceivable. You could attain in mere minutes a level of proficiency that a normal genius would require lifetimes to attain. Furthermore, you will never forget any of your knowledge or later become incapable of your peak accomplishments, meaning that with time you will inevitably become a veritable Swiss army knife of incredible scientific knowledge, Olympic feats of strength and skill, and much, much more. * You can manually control your own motivations, totally divulging your will from the limits of your physical body. You can ignore anything keeping you from your current goals, remain unflinchingly motivated to complete tasks despite lack of rest or sustenance, and simply ignore pain and other adverse conditions. Your body may deteriorate and your mind shrivel away, but your will is absolute. This will not affect your morality unless you wish it to. * Your cognition processing is enhanced to where you can instantaneously perform high-level problem solving and critical thinking. You can instantly solve even the most difficult, complicated or advanced mathematical or geometric problems, as long as you understand it in the first place. You can also multitask with ease, keeping mental track of multiple factors without difficulty. Your memory is truly perfect, though you may choose to selectively let things fade. * If it is at all possible for you to perform a physical feat given your knowledge, genetic composition, metabolism, and physical dimensions then you may reliably complete that feat every single time. When you are completing a longer task the speed at which you work and cogitate can accelerate exponentially over time, and are physically capped only by the hard limits of your biology. In minutes you could be in a state of transcendent genius, or be moving with the speed and precision of factory automation in every task you complete. * Simply desiring to evaluate a scenario will allow your mind to utilize all of the information at its disposal to immediately generate as many potential solutions to the problem as it can. For example, reacting to a combat situation would have your mind almost instantly generate thousands of possible escape routes and contingency responses for virtually any imaginable combination of powers and abilities that your opponent might possess, up to the degree that any effective response could be possible at all for you given the existing conditions. You may only use information you are actually aware of to develop these possible solution sets, and your conclusions are still potentially vulnerable to ignorance or disinformation if these would apply to your situation. * The type and amount of skills and disciplines you may potentially master is literally all-encompassing. You are by no means limited only to accomplishments in science and technology; in less than a day you could become history's greatest master of martial arts, or its greatest detective, or its most talented artist, or most charismatic leader, or greatest strategist, or any similar feat. * Your potential scientific accomplishments are equally as unlimited; a short period of study could allow you to cure the deadliest diseases, or build starships in your backyard, or solve the mysteries of genetic recoding, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, or any other possible technology. Should you care to push the boundaries then in a matter of months your discoveries could advance civilization to its extremes or make you into a transhumanist god. Who but you could imagine what might be possible for you after years or decades. * You become fully aware of any flaws or errors in any task you have performed at the moment such an error is committed and you will never make the same mistake twice if you are at all capable of avoiding it. This essentially guarantees an entirely flawless end product in any feat of design or computation and exponentially minimizes the possibility of natural error as you perform basic intellectual or physical tasks. This can be exploited to learn how to perform tasks you are completely unfamiliar with via trial-and-error. * Your potential mastery will not be limited by an unsound mind or body. At the time you drink this Essence you are cured of all physical health issues and genetic defects and are restored to the prime of life in a body of an appearance based on your desires and idealized self-image. You are likewise cured of all unwanted mental conditions, ailments, disabilities, etc. * For all intents and purposes your intelligence is at least peak human in every aspect where your abilities do not already exceed that level, from creativity to perceptiveness/attention to detail to pattern recognition to anything else relevant. You can easily comprehend difficult topics and concepts, follow the smallest details to the most obscure solutions, and there is no concept you can't grasp eventually so long as you have at least some evidence to help you define it. Despite all this you will retain your essential 'self' and personality, without risking the death of identity that can accompany transcendence. * In summary, you are essentially become the Overman. Nigh-impossible scientific and engineering achievements, defeating a small army of opponents via martial prowess alone, easily amassing billions of dollars via sheer financial skill, all this and so much more is now within your grasp. |